Do ya self a favour and watch it before school starts it deals with ' following your faith ' like your gut feeling, the only time I followed my instinicts was ways back well not so long ago, it wasn't what I wanted but what made me feel good was that ' I followed my feelings ' and I saw the truth, the honest truth. And it pains a little but it helps you to shut one door, and re-open another one. Mama says when ' one door closes be reminded theres a another door yet to be open that is more brighter for the future". So if I got something to say or do, I just do it, I don't think of the aftermath* because in alisha's head everything is grey matter- we don't see black and white- we don't see the pros and cons, we feel something, we want something we go for it- I'm more of the person to jump off the cliff without looking beneath me to see if theres any water '' .
ya I'm just that kinda gal....
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