Friday, September 01, 2006

mom : " Don't cross my path girl "

ouch ! my mom is coming down hard on me, laying down the rules, and I love it, put some fear into me, and I will think twice of the stupid things I do :)

g'day that is all. Jummah awaits , last Jummah 2006 summer, I wonder how it will end ?

In other news I need to go back to school shopping for school supplies and hush pupayyy boots.
We have this haika * to go too this Sunday, my moms best freinds sons baby ( woah too long ) head shaving celebration, along with greasy dudes in International blact suits, with their oily green plate of left over curry slipping out of their hand, because, just because they can't keep their eyes down. Guyanese peeps are going to be there the usual, and figian* mmmm?? nice mix ya. It's going to be at a hall, with that said children are going to be running around with their heads off, murdering eachother for that ' special ballon '' ladies faces are going to be painted white with pink lipstick ( women your skin is brown, color co-ordination ??) with clothes on that are way too tight, or that doesn't fit right.. I shouldn't judge but I get bored, and I think about this stuff in my head, while their busting down conversations and child hood days. I rather chill with the uncles. more mmmm ' lifelsish lessons' to learn from em. I'm ignroing the M question.
I have a cousin, grandfather nephew ..blahh k naseeba is done ...

peace out hunz