Wednesday, June 28, 2006

K it's official im burnt..and i got heat stroke..or whatever the flip they call it, i'm tired, and I HAIT taken the bus, and the dudes at work are crepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... just tooo creppyy..
I saw a eagle today by the forest, or whatever by the river. Mom told me not to go there, I disobeyed, sometimes it feels good to disobey :P..... I need to pack, I have a billlion gazillion things to do... ahhhhhhhhhhh..... I saw a friend today, AlamdiouAllah for that, I got interaction with someone my age. I just finished eating a banana/ chocolate chip muffin :P, which my mama made. I'm so hot, burning up.......I haven't being sleeping at night, I'm starting to get pesky, and I feel immitated and summer consists of working, becaues this is the only time I get to work..... I'm drooling for fun...I'm soo heat stroked up, I swear someone slipped crack in me drink, I haven't being staying in tuned with Brasil, it's okay boys, you've got heat and will win :D, my mom is on the phone with family from Newyork, just hearing the conversation makes me burst out into laughter, im planning on video-taping my family and sending to " Canadas or Americas funniest home video" to get some monay... :D, remember those shows ? I'm deciding to go take a shower,, in cold. cold water, watch me get shock.. but I might just faint, mama says its not good to go into shower.... just coming out of the heat........

bye I'm going to sleep...ugh :(