Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm going shopping with me 3 best friends, and sister coming along aswell :D. I need shoes, nice dress shoes, and thats about it.. yeh I've got lots and lots of clothes... I might buy yoga clothes tomorrow aswell.... anyways lastnight was amazinish fun. We haven't done that for a long time.
Me and friend and sister hithched it to Second Cup got some coffee. went out onto the patio, and just talked. it felt so good, the sky was beautiful, MashaAllah, the air was warm and pretty, everything was perfect. My sister and friend just talked, and talked, cracked jokes, and then I was lost into my own thoughts, off in my world, I just looked to the tall unfinished buidling infront of me, the extension of the ' health science building' me thinks, its made of glass, so when you look at it, you kinda see a reflection of the building on the opposite side, its pretty.
Papa and Mama picked me , sister and friend up, the drive home, was awesome, I told friend, this is what makes summer...... dad crunked the music up, and * preteneded* to dance, we started moving our shoulders, and dancing in our seats, my mom was getting annoyed by my dads antics, and my dad started to act more annoying, dad started to mimic mom in a cute friendly lovey dovey husband way.. it was adorable to look at... ( teary eyed )
dropped friend home. We got home, I didn't go to bed till 1 in this morning, I just sat on my patio, wow sometimes it just feels soo good and right to sit down all by yourself, or lay on your bed, it seems to me that it is a gift to just be byyourself, I honor the time I'm given to be able , to reflect on the past events of the week, month, and the year.. that has flashed before my eyes in a mere quick seconds....... I had work this morning, bah I didn't care.. I get money atleast :D. I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with my cash... except save it for something beautiful, like a trip somewhere in the world, that can be my gift to me.

We had roast beef for supper, the whole works, papa cooked. When it's weekend papa cooks, and gives mama a break. It was a yummy supper, indeed my friend. I just came in from outside, I was eating cherries, the sun felt good on me legs, I've noticed my hair is brown in the sun, and I can see the tints of blonde in it still. My arms are getting dark, and the sun started to burn em. I didn't care, I just sat there. My sister is sick, was supposed to see ' Nacho Libre' my sister type of movie, she should just marry the dude... shes in the kitchen making annoying noises. This week has being peaceful, AlamdiouAllah.

I love summer. I think well I want to get married in the summer. I just don't get it why people have their weddings in winters, or like around the time when you have to go back to school, well it is fall, and I guess it is pretty and something aweing with the surroundings. Well then I suppose that's why people have their weddings in winter, because there is something mystical with it .. Well I like summer, because it's vybrant, hot, colorful, people get time off. The way the sun sets, the way the breeze blows around 3'oclock in the morning, it's beautiful. I would like to get married in the summer, by the ocean, brushing up against my feet. I've thought it out, I don't want to get married in a hall, know to be quite frank I don't like events in halls, I just don't know, I can't put me finger on it, theres nothing....too it, in my mind. Why not get married in some open land, that know one knows of, or in the dessert , or on the beach, or on some special place in the mountains.....I remember once , my sister wanted to get married on the moon, she wanted to be astrounaut, well when your little you want to be anything, and want to do anything.

I guess I will go, before my words turn into some confusion, I'm going to the coffee shop.