Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I feel like crying now, they have ' students bbq' today out on the lawn.. I have NO one to go with.
Ate lunch bymyself again, TRYING to read my clunky binder of course notes, over hearing of peoples conversation and looking to them and thinking ' it used to be like that' I never knew what good I had when I actually thought life was one big greyish depressing matter to sulk in.

I feel like crying, I could call people right now and talk to them, but people have life's and I have one too, and I must walk alone for some time left- I wish some of my friends were here, I wish Hasna and Saher and my sister were right by my side right now, I feel like laying my head in their lap, and allow the tears to stream down, I miss their fingers twirling with my hair, I miss the laughter, and their perfume they would wear, I miss those eyes I used to look at all the time.
I miss their ring tones rining off all the time, I miss going for coffee . I have a hours break and I said I would get some homework done, to tell you the truth Alisha, I just don't feel good right now. Trying to hold back the tears as I stare at the muffin in the Tim Horton case- some dude laughed at me well know just freindly stranger conversation ' That hungry eh ?" :) ...I looked to him and just smiled my moon smile...

I need a shoulder to brace on right now....theres flippn no privacy to type here.

Tissues plz, and NO this is not a sympathetic call out , I'm just letting whatever emotion I have in me on to here... have faith, courage, you wear those wrist bands so implement into your heart and mind.... classes finish at 4pm.

why does everything hurt...? Why!