Monday, January 01, 2007

i start school back again in like 2 days... UGH! and work too UGH! AND everyone else goes back on the 8th UGH! well I finished way before em when it was final season- i'm going to miss the break it was well earned and deserved i did everything i wanted to do- i just need to get back into my sleeping panterns and that ain't happening to well with me going to bed at 3am everymorning AND waken up past 2pm everyday and getting myself mixed up into random msn convos UGH! and i never finished that book UGH! k tomorrow this is the mission plan:

1.) clean room
2.) organize books and dividers get print out of time table again.
3.) go out and buy desserts.
4.) call friend and cancel coffee date (im just too tired dude)
5.) after all of this go to office and clean like a mad woman.
6.) call three friends and wish em happy new year!
7.) possibly and i hope take a napp.

im so pissin tired.