Saturday, December 30, 2006

i'm sick i think it's because i kissed too many people today.

:( very sick.

ok so next year Eid InshAllah maybe there will be expansion to the family honestly! i was thinking about it today and ya'll do too- if i were wedded to a man i would have somewhere to go after Eid prayers instead of Timz with familo and going out to a family friends house with no convo just staring at the wall-

i wish there was this system where i could be married to someone on Eid day and that way we can partayy at relatives house and this would give my mother a good reason to cook up a feast..

ok im done dreaming and NO! im not emotionally sad im just cheezyy melted burnt cheeeze that's being left way too long in the fridge.

Eid Mubarak Loves :)