Monday, August 07, 2006

Okay today was H-DAYS, not me kinda H-DAYs anymore, me and friends were talking on how eventful, and exotic, and fun it used to be * sigh* I guess I'm outgrowing things, mm I ussed to go all three days, now just one, and for 4 hrs I just roamed the ground with girls, was nice- didn't talk much, I notice I don't talk much, I just smile, simple ' Hello how are you ' I notice I don't hugg much, I hugg just I donoo the close ones to me now , nmmm saw a friend from way backs, me and her go ways backs, and were talking - ' Remember how much time we had on our hands to talk on the phone go out everyday- how many friends we kept in CLOSE touch with , remember the trips to Wagner, Harry Ainlay, Northside - you name it, the skipping, the fake notes, the idol time we used to talk about our dreams, the shopping, every other weekend ' we need more ' now it's more like, I need new pants because a.) I got fat or skinny :) or b.) they have tores in em, or c.) you need to step your game up :P . Which ever way , and now and now as one ages comes responsibility, commitments one must fulfill, paving your way in this world, the future that we manage to hold by the cups of our hands. O golly I wish I was young, I no I'm 19 and I don't want to age 20 ... or even 30 , they say when your 20 10 more years to thirty why can't they use the word ' decade ' seems more longer. And when your 20 or mm let's put it this way when ' I ' am 20- I gotta thing serious things , I gotta make my future, and I gottta sculpt , I guess I will always be sculpting my life.

So theres 4 weeks left till dooms day school. yayaya, I'm not going to Uni this year :( , sigh oh wellesers program of choice for me is at gmac - I'm going to miss some people though, the atmposphere, the $1.00 peach tea, subway, the cleaning guys, the interfaith dilouges msa would hold, Jummah, SUB :( ... studying together, and praying together, they say those who ' pray together , stay together ' AlamdiouAllah if that is true, I pray I don't loose ties with these friendly lovely souls. I'm going to miss going to EARLS together for friends b-day, I'm going to miss Rutherford, and the BOB MARLEY guy I was soon falling in love with , because he had dreads, and his style was bon apetit :) I'm going to miss ALOT of things, I'm really sentimental, my mom says and friends aswell , that I need to break it, it will carry me to my death.

O well I have reasons to go back there: sisters is going there InshAllah, and WORK :)


Next thing I need to type about, Ramadan is coming up InshAllah :) - prayers at night, the smell of green tea and honey, my mom frying and baking things, the aroma of sweet spices, friends and family coming over for Iftar, breaking fast with friends, waken up in the morning, to my dad making eggs for me ' Lee eat them it's good protein , it will keep you up ' ' yes sir ' , my mom shoving everything in sight down my throat , banana, milk / o.j / water / viatmins / bread / meat / sugar / I just eat it cuz a.) too tired to fight back. b.) when lunch time comes knocking around and I see everyone eating pizza , anything with melted cheese I go CRAZY , I just stare at this person ' like I'm going to stalk you ' , and make this big gulp . lol..

Then coming home, from the cold air- shouldn't be too cold this year Ramadan falls around middle of Septish InshAllah, it will be pretty the sun setting, the leaves on the ground, I love autumn :) , me coming home, mom talking to me, as it goes through the right out through the left, trying to take a shower, rubbing baby oil on my skin, putting baby oil on my face, my mom has to braid my hair. I donoo it's a Ramadnish tradition with her, catch up on Salat, my mom says I need to be clean before breaking my fast, so the Shytan is away , me : ' ma their locked up ?"
mom : ' still one must be clean before the eyes of Allah ' ... true. Me sitting with my hijab half crooked on my hair, my mom adjusting it , and tying it tight, my eyes are glued on the microwave - green digits, taken flipping forever, then ah yes. eating time, mom says to wait a 1 minute grace, then eat, the cup of tea warms the face, and I sipp it , I eat my dessert my mama made, and then I pick at the dinner, wait around, stare at the sky, and pray Maghrib, come down, and eat dinner, man when your fasting and you eat that dinner, it's the best taste in your mouth, AlamdiouAllah. Between this time, long- distances calls are coming in from Toronto, my moms family, me and my sister and dad eating away, chuckling to each other, what ma is saying, I start washing dishes, after I get into Mosque clothes, fill up my water bottle, beacuse I get thirsty, rub some atar on me, and off we go to Mosque, see the little kids running around, hug aunties.
Man I love RAMADAN. :) and I just noticed i'm the biggest geek. i TYPE ABOUT THE MOST RANDOM THINGS EVER. convo is needed ??


I'll write about Eid tomoorow. I do know that I want one of those jingle things, hijabis wear on their head..mmmm :)

my B6 pill kicks in, I'm a hungry teddy bear tonight..gigllee.