Finished watching a movie that has left my mind disturbed, from just looking at the dvd case i thought it would be olalal, fulled with passion , lust, chase for love. But it wasn't turned out into a some dude who wanted love and passion, he wanted love from his wife, good old wife, whose papa owned a rich company and lived on a nice estate in London, and then he wanted passion from some hot blonde hair American chic..... he fooled around with American, and married London.... and he messed himself big time, American got pregnant, and London wanted a baby, and was really sweet and caring to her dirty sllez bag hubby who was cheating on her. American demanded just like any good old gal would to tell London, that she is pregnant with dirty sleezer babies..... but he didn't want to loose out on the rich life he got with London, so what does the jerk bag dude.... kills American with his baby in her, his baby!!!!!!!...and leaves it like that.
Goes on to getting London pregnant his real life...and Amrican is gone.
Made me realize, well love as more substance than passion, my soc prof told us if you want passion you'll get bitten, stick with steady Eddy..tis true my friends, tis true, but then to have passion in your life to chase for it, or to be chasen is erotic, makes you want to wake up to the next morning, and putting in your day time planner where and when your going to meet passion ?? follow ? yeh, well I donoo or maybe I should not rent these type of movies..and I SHOULD read the back cover of em? mmmm well it had a girl whispering in some guys ear , with a gold wedding band in PoINT...well yeh I'm a nerd with this stuff, and i thought mmm why not awaken your senses, I'm a big gal. anyways my mind needs to rest... i'm checking content nexttime :s
Goes on to getting London pregnant his real life...and Amrican is gone.
Made me realize, well love as more substance than passion, my soc prof told us if you want passion you'll get bitten, stick with steady Eddy..tis true my friends, tis true, but then to have passion in your life to chase for it, or to be chasen is erotic, makes you want to wake up to the next morning, and putting in your day time planner where and when your going to meet passion ?? follow ? yeh, well I donoo or maybe I should not rent these type of movies..and I SHOULD read the back cover of em? mmmm well it had a girl whispering in some guys ear , with a gold wedding band in PoINT...well yeh I'm a nerd with this stuff, and i thought mmm why not awaken your senses, I'm a big gal. anyways my mind needs to rest... i'm checking content nexttime :s
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