Friday, April 06, 2007

On behalf of the Islamic Family & Social Services Association (IFSSA) and the Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations (NAARR), please join us at our open dialogue session:

Bridging the Gaps

When: Sunday, April 15th 2007

Where: Cloverdale Community League (9411-97 Ave)

Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

This session will consist of a panel of speakers from many faith groups including:

* Muslim
* Jewish
* Hindu
* Christian
* Mormon
* Unitarian Universalism
* Aboriginal
* Sikh

Enhance your intellect, learn about other faith groups, support a racist-free strategy.

Admission is free and includes a light lunch.

Please RSVP Nazia Islam at (780) 905-7939 at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: This event is a stepping stone towards a Peace Rally against discrimination on May 20th at the Legislative grounds.

Nazia Islam
Youth Development & Parental Education
Program Coordinator
Islamic Family & Social Services Association
PH: (780) 462-0772
FAX: (780) 466-9280


Okay this wasn't attachment so I tried my best :). Alrighty! These sessions kick stars- IFSSA does amazing sessions that once in a while a person should attend.. I dunoo after leaving it you feel "productive" "humanitarianish" (k I know thats not a word) AND ladies and gents awesome way to meet contacts for whatever future is ahead of you.- hey! the more souls you know the easier life rolls!

g'day :)