Saturday, July 15, 2006

I'm missing that taste of those thoughts I use to linger my mind about, and allow it to get lost in the sea of thoughts. I'm tempted to step out again and taste it. I haven't felt any excitment for a long time - no passion in me life :(.

This summer hasn't felt like those other summer with my hands getting sticky in the summer heat with sugar plastered around my lips and hands. My hair frizzing about because of the heat, and my overtanned face. And my pink little shirt on with juice stained on the belly button part, and me velcro barbie sandals. Ah! I wish I was little. cmon . one more .

I was the first, to jump off the diving board that was like oh I donoo reallyy high up, I just climbed the ladder, saw everyone down in the pool, the cold air on me, the life guard shooting me her dirty looks of ' Oh! girl my hair is real ' she was black. ..get the drift lol.. Any ways I just let loose and jumped, and screamed reallyyy loud, and the water touched my feet, my shin slapped against the water. and I touched the bottom of the pool. Took a long time to get back up ' like being pushed under water and the person won't let you come up - yup I got to feel that , everything in my life now and from my past just flooding me. Felt so good to breathe air. AlamdiouAllah. I did it again, and soon after me friends followed along - I just simply said BismAllah and jumped like I do with everything in my life, best way too live and love honestly ;)

So the moral of me jumping of the diving board is - you want to do something JUST DO IT , you want to proclaim your love to someone JUST DO IT- you want to go too med school JUST DO IT - you want to loose weight - JUST DO IT - you want to let loose of your voice and emotions, and let someone hold you as you cry JUST DO IT - you want to buy that 50 grand red sports car- JUST DO IT , life is just too short and beautiful to simply allow it to slip through your fingers, grab it. and never let it go. let it make a print in your palm. So I just jumped and said BISMALLAH.

you want to be with someone - just say BismAllah and do it.
