Monday, June 09, 2008

my dad's older brother died Friday evening (may Allah SWT) give him a resting  place in his grave and protoect him from the punishments of the grave- Ameen. He had a brain tumour... he died from "anominia" the Doctor's never drained him properly and so he chocked for breath...and died... ..his name is Uncle Raymond.. Today Uncle Raymond went down.. he was burried in Guyana.. close to his village in Victoria I believe.....My dad never got to say good bye... I think the last time that my dad heard his voice was a year ago.....When I heard I was in Second Cup.. everything went silent.....I couldn't cry..... I'm typing all of these emotions.. because life is so precious and I'm reminding myself by typing these words...You know when you hug someone and you feel that this will be your last time that you see them- well that was true.. my Uncle Raymond was sitting on our deck.. and I went out.... he looks so much like my grandpa... I felt some sadness and happiness.....knowing this was the last time I would see him... The soul doesn't last forever......I'm crying as I type these words.. wow I haven't cried for  long time.. that's a worthy cause......

I pray that he's resting and he's at ease... 

Death and love- You know when you so desparetly want to share your emotions with someone.. or just to stand or sit silently with... thats how I feel... 

The people that you missed are the ones that you truly love.

