Nas wants to see it because "it has blood in it" hopefully it will be good :).
Whenever me and my family go to the movies we're always the first ones in the cinema room- figures since we're always on time lol.anyhoo my dad scopes the place for "hidden goodies" last time we found a guess wallet loaded with bills and a nice celly-I and my family were trying to decide "give it to security" the secutiry woman that yelled me OR give it to the "police" so we settled on handing it over to the police- it so happened that the this girl runs in frantically (we kinda figured it was her) we asked her if she lost something and said "yes my nice guess purse" we gave it to her and she "thanked" as a billion times- hey folks it's the common human thing to do righto :)- I turned to dad he had his chest puffed up with this big huge egotistic smile on his face like superman- I told him to wipe it off- he felt happy that he made someone else happy.
so the moral of this- scope out the theatres you can find good stuff and return it to rightful owners-and being on time for the movies means you get good seats and you get to see all the action unfold has the people walk in for the movie- atleast you know whose sitting next to you before you watch the movie- don't you find it creepy that your sitting in darkness with like two hundred sum people eh? ehhh!!!
g'day assignments await.
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