I can't wait to be done my Legal Research project.. it's worth 20% of our mark *gulp* PLUS it's already MARCH.. and this is our first assignment..my mark is going to be based on one flipping mid-term(which i write this wednesday) and this assignment and the final... *another gulp* please... Well suck it up Alisha your not the only one..I have spring classes that await.. how fun :)..well I shouldn't talk "A" has like spring and summer classes I feel the pain..mmm *sigh* plus hauling my behind to work everyday for the month of July and August if I get the job I want *sigh*- no time to vacation... I was at the Book Cellar today and I was going to purchase this book on "Travel tips in Spain" it was for 6 buks hey it might come in handy...meh I put it down now is not the time for this fantasy dreamy sugar top tales missy... things must be done and accomplished.. goals must be made and fulfilled... we must become something first... we must ..we must..we must..we must...
I'm in love with the sky...
I'm in love with the sky...
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