Hadika you look like Natalie Portman, I realized that after watching the whole of stupid boring Pride& Prejuidce ( which I can't bloddy flippn understand what there trying to say )
Omama to the drama :P, looks peaceful. ( mm cough.SURE ;)
Lil omama, looks chillaxed...
Deka ..looks cool as a cucumber lotion :P
Aunty Friba and Aunty Rashida..beautiful, MASHaAllah
Sajda...looks too cute muahha xoxo
Malika looks like " yo..wut up .kinda thing "
Then theres me with my arm thrown over massey ...:P..and she looks too good for words sista ;)
o yeh, can't forget my sister...too ghetto for her good. sis, take as a compliment, you should be a hijabi model..
.....man i miss em, the whole pack.with suga and salt sprinkled on them, im just realizing there was alot of bros and sis on that trip.
this is what happens to me, when i got time on my hand, i start lookn at old picutres..and i start to remember.
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