Friday, May 19, 2006

I haven't had any urge lately to check my email. Because I'm not expecting anything, that will put a smile on me lips, or make me bursting out into laughter at the computer screen. Know I'm not sad, nor happy, happy- I'm just neutral ?. Nothing to get excited about anymore, except the soccer game I'm going tonight, laugh for like 4 hours tonight, with the girls, then come home, to my room, strip off my clothes into my summer pjs, wash my face, pray, then go to bed.
So something prompted me to open up good old hotmail, because the mail is so hot with excitment and amusement, it's just so hot it can't be cold mail? You know it should be called "coldmail" because of all the emails I get (a) It's about meetings (b) school, ( c) from my cousins ( d) stupid emails that give my computer viruses, in which we had to spend alot of monay to fix (e) those emails, where if you forward them to like half the world, know the whole world, your lover will come to you at mid-night ( f) emails sent by people that can't look you in the eye, and tell you something heartfelt ( g) or ME sending a email, praying for some happiness to be granted into it, when I get back a response .

So something prompted this little mind of mine , to open up hotmail, singed in. and volalala, look at the cute little picture I got, an email that was out of the blue, and made me smile. AlamdiouAllah. Made me think you can think about someone 24/7, and then when life gets busy, you sadly forget about them... know you don't forget they just fade, and then there right there, out of the blue . It's a cute picture.

So the moral of this entry, is I got to smile today, AlamdiouAllah I never go a day without smiling or laughing, because to loose that, is to loose yourself, it's better you be locked in a room, in complete darkness.

ain't life a peachy love ?


k me, being a slowie in tech, the picture never showed, its a cute picture tho :(